Raised by a family of architects, builders, & realtors, one can say that architecture & construction is in Paul Lea's blood. Experience began when his home builder father put a hammer in his hand at 8 years old & said "It's time for you to start working with me."
From there, all the summers from Middle School, High School, through University of Kentucky, & Lexington Community College were filled with hands-on residential construction experiences. As a High School Senior in 1983, his first home design was built. Currently Lea has designed &/or built over 1,000 custom homes throughout Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee & Texas.

LEA makes a special effort to involve the client in the decision-making process and actively encourage the client's desire to participate in the design process. Each project begins by listening to the client's goals, needs, and concerns, then remain focused on those desires from “Conception to Collection.”
LEA's experience is shared with local Architecture firms, Clotfelter/Samokar & Sherman/Carter/Barnhart. Lea has joint ventured in several projects with other architects such as KPA Architecture, PLLC, Kerry Lucas Architecture, & Kenny Donnelly, AIA .
In 2012 LEA joined with STUDIO A ARCHITECTURE in Louisville, Ky. to start a Lexington office. STUDIO A ARCHITECTURE - LEXINGTON is a multi-disciplinary architectural practice providing a complete scope of services including programming, master planning, design, contract document preparation, construction administration/management, interior design, & project management.